
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
Tuesday Oct 22, 2019
The moist boys are back at it with a review episode. The podcast starts off declaring this podcast under the rule of China, so China please send us money (6:42). Reviews start off with an in-depth analysis and evaluations on the socio ethnic culture created by a white capitalist regime under the guise of Hip Hop from none other than the Dance Nigg- I mean the BET Awards (13:56). After an emotional and heated breakdown of the BET Awards, the boys slow down the pace and refresh your taste palettes with a Carole & Tuesday review (1:12:04). After the tone has smoothed out, things get spooky as the moist boys take you through the mind of the Joker, as they give a character study and review of the film created by that one guy who made The Hangover (1:17:08). The Moist Boys end off the night to tuck you in with a kiss and a bedtime story about Danielle Fishel (2:25:07).

Saturday Oct 19, 2019
Saturday Oct 19, 2019
This week we are blessing our listeners to BACK TO BACK episodes of the MBP, which is why you've all been having that smooth skin, sweaty pits, and natural lubrication all week. This episode the fellas go over a lot of jokes we are going to have to apologize for and explain at one point (we stand with you, Eddie Murphy). Maturity is clearly our strong suit here, so grab your note books to take notes as the boys drop philosophical gems you won't find anywhere else on the internet. None of the ideas created in this episode are trademarked but do give us a shout out if you use any material. This episode was brought to you by Climate Change, so keep those polar ice caps melting so the Boys can stay Moist. Also we don't own any of the music played on this podcast so if you didn't sue us that we be killer AND as always, thanks for listening.

Monday Oct 14, 2019
Monday Oct 14, 2019
Someone should change this bio soon enough. Not the usual bio maker here. In this episode we talk about tricking our senses to change our sexuality, Teen and Incest porn, Cupcakke quitting music, and how the Joker movie could influence a society. This episode is sponsored by sexuality, the trait that defines what porn category you go to. Sexuality is interchangeable, allowing you to adapt to any social setting or culture at any appropriate time. Wanna kiss your best buddy goodnight but tired of saying "no homo" each time you do? Just buy a sexuality and go to town on your best friend. Make sure you grab one before they run out, and use the code MOIST to get 20% off your next order. Order at www.pornhub.com.

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 18 The FBI
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Decided to go with a simple title this time around. Why you ask WELL its a very special we welcome laurence back.. for the third time.. BUT more importantly we welcome local sac artist Winrow the square commonly known to us as.. Derrick. So sit down and don't relax as you listen in on Four Blacks Instigating also known as the FBI.

Sunday Sep 22, 2019
Sunday Sep 22, 2019
I was really tempted to call this The return of Laurence part 2 the sequel, but decided against it. Anyway laurence is back again and brings with him a plethora topics and one corny ass intro. So sit back relax and listen in on this weeks episode where we talk about post nut epiphanies, attractive people in gaming and stereotypes in anime and we finally reveal which moist boy likes to take a taste of the cheeks is it me? or another moistly?!d listen in and find out.

Sunday Sep 15, 2019
Sunday Sep 15, 2019
I've noticed a common trend with our podcast, we have some usual insightful takes and then we just go ahead and ruin everything. Though for the most part at the beginning of this podcast we're rather tame and mature. As usual we start with some tame foreplay and then we just really get into it. This time we have plenty of topics ranging from Jay-z and nicki minaj to kevin hart and his accident, and even weird surgery for weird parts of your body. By now Christian might be right in assuming that we are living in an alternate dimension. Sam has another topic though this time we ended up agreeing with him. So lay down grab a cup of tea or hot coco or maybe like a white chocolate mocha and listen in on this weeks episode of the moist boys. Maybe for the last time..Dun dun dun. Probably not though.

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
You know this started out as a really calm episode. But what happened towards the end? What chaotic force of nature could've intervened that led to this episode getting so out of control? Well since the dawn of time we all knew it would happen and instead of preparing for it we sat back and embraced the fated day that was to come. Instead in our blind arrogance we thought we were equipped to deal with what was ahead.. But we did not yet know of the eventuality that was to come. Yes that's right today the prophecy has been has fulfilled. On this weeks episode of the moist boys.....Sam has a topic.

Thursday Aug 29, 2019
Thursday Aug 29, 2019
You guys remember how on power ranger you’d get hyped when the sixth ranger would show up halfway through the season?Mainly because he’d be the strongest and have some cool gimmick like controlling MechaGodzilla or something.Well this is nothing like that.(Or is it?!) FIND OUT NOW! On this weeks episode we welcome a very special guest. That’s right fellow Moist Boy Laurence returns to our ranks! He’s finally back having escaped purgatory and with him he brings a ton of anime conversation. So strap in and listen in on this weeks episode of the podcast as we talk about the Amazon fire, Invader Zim, Anime, Cannon Busters and Communism (not sure about that last one) in our usual moist boy style.

Monday Aug 26, 2019
Monday Aug 26, 2019
Does any one honestly read the description?

Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Moist boys Podcast Episode: 12 Rated E for Exterminated Everyone
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Sunday Aug 18, 2019
Been a crazy week you know, things have happened both serious and hilarious. But here the moist boys never shy away from the sensitive topics. Though I'm pretty sure after this podcast we will. So as usual sit back relax and listen in on a very moist take on the recent events that have been plaguing our nation. But i believe that the day will arrive when the inevitable will happen. Yes one day the unexpected will occur and for the first time it what feel like for ever Sam will finally have a topic. Today is not that day though.