
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode 31: Rest In Paradise.
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Due to corona virus and losing Kobe and his family/friends in a helicopter crash, this episode is dedicated to everyone who has ever died.
The episode starts off paying respects to Kobe Bryant, an icon who's mark on the sports industry will forever be ingrained in history, will live on through the sport of basketball, through the hearts of his fans, and through the mamba mentality. Also, the guys compare which death was sadder between Neji and Kobe (0:00). Shortly after, Baldo sheds some light on the corona virus and how it could possibly tie into Kobe's death (21:04). Then to end speaking on Kobe, the guys talk about how to have a hero in modern society (35:38). Here at the MBP, no one really gives a shit about the Grammy's, so after briefly talking about whatever happened there (42:38), the fellas dig deep into a controversial yet factual topic that women are more toxic than men (44:26). After input from men with absolutely zero input from women, Sam struggles to share his sex stories about spitting in his ex-girlfriend's mouth (1:02:30). Keeping on the topic the topic of sex, the MBP tackles incels and a sex positive society (1:09:50) and then end things off with a political debate between Christian and Sam (1:19:30).

Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
While Ace was still in Northern California, the superstar drops back in the guest star on another episode. With Laurence coming back to the mic as well, the guys dedicate this episode to Women, as they show their appreciation and give respects to the magic that makes the world go round. Women around the world tune in, this episode is for you. The guys start off by spending the entire first half giving it up for women and naming famous accomplishments that have been brought to us by women, so get comfortable for that and get ready to feel the love. The crew take a tone shift and deep dive into Latin history and being comfortable in celibacy(1:19:19), where they encourage men to start saying "No" to sex a little more often. Then the guest of honor takes to reigns and gives the audience a run down on some Broke Black and Bored topics that you can find on his podcast (1:35:08). After some tangents and deep dives, the boys speak on Marriage and the appropriate time to move in with a partner (1:40:20). And finally to top things off, they Moist Boys talk more about porn and if a porn site doesn't sponsor them sometime soon then clearly some mistakes are being made on their part. Hop on the train while it's hot, you're move porn companies (1:57:20). Kings, make sure you take time to appreciate your Queens. Let them know they are noticed and loved. Hope our listeners are staying moisturized.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
This episode is sponsored and co-hosted by Ace from the Broke Black & Bored Podcast [https://www.instagram.com/brokeblackbored/]. The Moist Boys always start with foreplay [starting at 0:00, the fucking intro], then immediately dig into spicy and relevant topics. After introductions, the guys bringing in the new year with talking about exploiting Christian insecurities and how to rake in that profi- i mean tithes [10:20]. Next comes a graceful and appropriate transition into when should viewers begin paying for porn and respecting sex workers (please start paying your sex workers) [29:58]. After a long debate and breakdown on the porn industry, Ace explains why he hates Zendaya and why he thinks she's ugly, then immediately backs down and changes his opinion on the podcast [1:08:34], then the crew gives the audience their predictions for 2020 [1:10:28]. Then to bring a long end to the episode and officially bring in a Moist new year, the group gives the audience a childhood story about their friend having a stroke and how they saved his life and totally didn't make fun of him [1:31:27]. Happy New Years and thanks for listening. We don't really care about new years that much. But we love you all.

Friday Dec 20, 2019
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 28 Bunch of fucking NERDS
Friday Dec 20, 2019
Friday Dec 20, 2019
If you are not into film, anime, or videos games then go ahead and listen to any other episode because the Moist Boys dig into geek culture for the entire episode. It's been a long time coming. Immediately kicking off the podcast is a short review/appreciation for Promare. If you have not had the luxury of watching Promare, then go ahead and skip to [16:10] where the boys go over one of the most asked question in nerd history, "Where the hoes at" (also featuring some tangents). After the guys discover the location of the hoes, some brief words are exchanged over rumors of casting for Marvel films [34:15] and the VGA's [38:12]. If you love anime and debates then you'll love this segment; the fellas get into a debate over a tier list on "most effective anime moves" [53:13]. After a thought provoking debate, the men take a tone shift and discuss the preference of getting picked up during sex [1:22:07]. Then to end off the podcast, the Moist Boys give a few words on taking your queen on a date to the Cheesecake Factory [1:34:45]. Hope you all enjoy!

Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 27 Captain Cappin' the Caped Crusader
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
Wednesday Dec 11, 2019
This episode is dedicated to all of those who have put on the cape for their love interest. Before getting into the first topic the guys flesh out what exactly makes the hero of our story so relate-able; what constitutes as a "Captain Save-A-Hoe" and what the title entails. First the first topic, Christian shares with us his experience on the job as the Caped Crusader "Captain Cappin'" while also breaking the silence on the truth that happened on the infamous night that lead to his retirement. After an amazing, heart tugging, inspirational story that will leave the audience breathless, Christian further breaks down the title of a Captain and why the negative stigma surrounded by the title should be shed [16:47]. After that invigorating segment, the fellas deep dive into another conspiracy theory over women's intuition. This leads to an open conversation about men having "stroke-it cycles" [47:17]. Shortly after, the men take a serious tone shift and talk about George Zimmerman suing the family of Travyon Martin [52:20]. Just when you thought the boys had a mature bone in their body, they go in on some tangents that you don't want to miss, including a run down on "the implications", and a truly heartbreaking story of a dirty rumor going around about Christian. Both of those plus much more.[1:21:54].

Friday Nov 29, 2019
Friday Nov 29, 2019
The Moist Boys celebrate Thanksgiving a few days early and show up to dinner a day late with all of their listeners. Hope everyone enjoys their holidays and keeps that skin moisturized. This episode the Moist Boys start off with reminding the viewers at home about a special little event embedded in our hearts; the #Cutforbieber trend [11:28]. Next comes a smooth transition into Grammy nominations and predictions [20:21]. After a decent sized convo, the Moist Boys endanger their sponsorship with China and the Christians to give a brief update on Hong Kong [43:15] and an in depth convo on why Disney puts out the worst sequels and why they should hire us [45:27]. If you stayed with us for this long past the extremely insensitive rhetoric, you'll love the less insensitive Thanksgiving breakdown and what it is we are thankful for [1:04:22]. Then to end things off, the Moist Boys do what they do best; deep dive on tangents that have absolutely nothing to do with the brought up topic at hand to create that quality content you can't find anywhere else [1:28:15].

Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 25 We are starting to get a little disrespectful
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Thursday Nov 28, 2019
Welcome back to another episode of the Moist Boys Podcast. We like to promote a dynamic range in order to ensure everyone expands their palettes and opens up to new genres of life. We also don't know where the line is and how to not cross it. If anyone can tell us where it is, that would help the podcast a lot. In this episode you'll find topics centered around the "Sonic the Hedgehog" film and why the audience should probably learn how to pick their battles [10:58], T.I.'s daughter controversy and the perfect solution to that pesky "Daughters Virginity being preserved" issue [23:52], Disney+ featuring rants over technology (PSA, you will never need your 4k curved TV and you will never be able to tell the difference) [39:40], Trust Issues and what warning signs cheaters subconsciously give (the truth will blow your mind im so fucking serious) [53:57], where your high school crush is at and would you still fuck them [1:03:00], and ending tangents that you'll want to stick around for mainly because i don't remember them [1:28:42].

Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Welcome to the huge tangent episode, where the content is crisp even with barely any topics. First the moist boys cover the infamous Popeye's Chicken Stabbing (followed by tangents) [7:15]. Reminder; there are plenty of other chicken sandwiches with way less hormones and steroids. Next, the moist boys address recent issues in Sports, Music, and Movies [25:32]. Then for the remainder of the episode, the moist boys go over individual questions reminiscent to episode 7 (funny with a big dick go listen to it). Starting at [41:00], the moist boys deconstruct and examine social issues and cultural taboos such as "does toxic masculinity exist and are women exempt from toxic masculinity", "how has porn affected the way you view women", "are white men better at portraying black women better than black women", and actually much much more. Thanks for tuning in if you're reading this description! And if you're reading this and not tuning then fuck i guess i feel it but 41 minutes in is some heat.

Monday Nov 04, 2019
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 23 Kanye album review, Trans Athletes, and Satan
Monday Nov 04, 2019
Monday Nov 04, 2019
After experiencing the new Jesus Is King album, the Moist Boys were convinced to walk the path of God, now making this a Chinese and Christian podcast. The sermon first starts off with an extensive breakdown and review of the holy book itself, "Jesus Is King" by Kanye West (16:20). While on the Christian high road, the boys try to make sense of recent twitter trends like "Verify Satan" and how to avoid getting your soul snatched and your asshole pounded by the Dark King himself (1:15:00). With religion out of the way, the boys look into a mirror to do some self reflection on their age and inability to comprehend what memes have become and what a Vibe Check is (1:21:30) (or somewhere around there). As if the old men couldn't get any older, a debate ensues on the topic of Trans Athletes and their place in sports (1:25:30). After insightful conversation filled with both false information and blatant lack of knowledge in the area, the sermon ends off with some lighthearted christian stories (1:41:41) and just about the greatest porn idea to ever cross the minds of these devout born again religious men. Music was brought to us by the beautiful Twinkie Clark.

Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
Tuesday Oct 29, 2019
In episode 22 of the Moist Boys Podcast, the boys give their take on a long list of controversial topics that you all have been dying to here their opinion on. The boys start off with the age old debate, "would you get pegged in the ass to save your marriage?", to which the audience will be surprised to hear the shocking answers (hint: no). Next, on a serious note, the boys debate over whether or not Pixar has it's own unique style, or is it just the money behind them that solidifies them as a artistic powerhouse? So basically, animated films = justice league, is Pixar the Batman of the group. Continuing the serious tone, the boys speak on recent allegations of Cuba Gooding Jr., as well as make a formal apology (which you'll probably be hearing a lot of). Don't sexually assault anyone guys, in case you didn't know. There's actually a ton of topics discussed, so much that i'd rather not write them down. But they include no long supporting live action Mulan, Gina "Niggas give me the heebee jeebee's" Rodriquez, and end off the topics with stories from their youth which you actually do not want to miss.