
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Nothing But Tangents Ep 0 - Final Moist Boys Episode
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
Saturday Jan 02, 2021
The podcast isn't going anywhere, just changing the name, artwork, content, and account! But regardless of the name we will continue to give our audience underrated content for you to absolutely not think to. Thanks for listening all these months and we hope to see you all on the new Podcast! Find us on Instagram and Nothin But Tangents Podcast for updates.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode 39: Everything kinda went to shit
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Although the boys took a break, there wasn't a shortage of shit that happened in the world. Some are incredibly serious and others mainly just really funny since we don't have to go through it. Come listen to the gang briefly touch on heartbreaking topics, speak on issues and lifestyles we have no business speaking on, and highlight some of the more entertaining moments of pop culture while glossing over real struggles. We are practically TMZ now, or any other podcast that speaks on pop culture. Is this the people we've turned into? Tune in and find out. Spoiler Alert: No, but it's getting real close.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast: Black Lives Matter Episode
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
Wednesday Jun 10, 2020
TIME STAMPS: *This bitch is long as hell so utilize these* "How did we get here" (8:50) // "Protesting" (24:30) // "Riots vs Looting" (38:11) // "Personal encounters with racism and cops" (1:05:34) // "Quick breakdown on All Lives Matter (1:20:30) // "Struggle to find leadership & Defunding police (1:38:00) // Closing statements and some wildly inappropriate comments but whats this podcast without saying some spicy yet audacious F A C T S (1:54:20) //
A serious yet familiar tragedy struck a nerve in the heart of American citizens and the black community as George Floyd was murdered for public display by a poison that we cannot seem to cure. While much blame is to be put on the police, an even greater blame should be held by our system, a system that rewards cops for murder fueled by systematic oppression and racism/bigotry. This episode was inspired by recent revolutions sprouting across the world and our fallen brothers and sisters getting their appropriate honor and recognition on a global scale. While this topic can and should be discussed with enough dialog to fill libraries, we decided to share our personal stories from protesting, personal viewpoints, and encounters with racism and oppression from a racist system. We hope we can reach the ears and hearts of those who find themselves sitting on the fence or stuck in the middle through telling these personal stories. We hope to spark heavily needed conversation within communities, homes, friend groups, even social media. But most importantly we hope this use of our platform continues to keep a spark alive in anyone who comes across this 2 hours and something minutes. The fight to dethrone a tyrant is a long one, and to rewrite a system to benefit each and every human life *but keep in mind the fight right now is for Black Lives* may take even longer. Stay vigilant, look out for yourself and those around you, and do not let up this pressure. You'll always have 4 bored 20 something year old's in your corner to back you up.

Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode 38: Vanessa Hudgens saved hairy women
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Sunday Mar 22, 2020
Time Stamps:
Women as president (8:50), OK Boomer girl and why women need to stop being attractive on the internet (26:48), the logistics of an E Girl service (53:40), Vanessa Hudgens and why she saved the culture of hairy women and is an example of a true modern day feminist hero (1:17:05), Musicians lasting in today's society and their content(1:27:08)
This was recorded pre Covid-19. The MBP practices social distancing. And when you hear the next episode coming out, keep in mind that was also done with social distancing as well. We encourage those to stay inside and listen to the MBP. Spread the love, not the virus. Thank you all for tuning in and stay safe out there.

Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Sunday Mar 08, 2020
Blessing the MBP with a special guest appearance is Winrow The Square, the newest tic tok STAR to hit the scene. It can't be the angry rants episode without a few angry rants but before the gang gets into that, look forward to those hard hitting topics no other podcast is covering. The fellas touch on letting the gaming community have the N word (11:30), Jewish people featuring the holocaust and Bernie Sanders (19:00), Nicki Minaj and her relationship with sex offenders (42:49), and Waka Flocka Flame calling himself "wack"(46:00). If you've made it this far then stick around for the grand attraction to this episode; angry rants speaking on the Tic Toc Algorhtim (56:00) and The Last of Us tv show, why they need to make a God of War TV show instead on specific instructions on how to do it properly, as well as a FF7R review with insight as to how critics are proving themselves as unreliable sources except the MBP because we are smarter than everyone and never wrong in our FACTS (1:20:00). After some ranting, the MBP ties the episode up with a quick convo on when to send a dick pic and if platonic dick pics are acceptable and a quick game of "what's more offensive" that in hindsight could have been avoided (1:53:25). If we somehow haven't offended your culture to the point of driving you away then share us to whoever is prone to genius level takes and thanks for listening!

Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 36 Look Me In The Eyes During Missionary
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
Wednesday Mar 04, 2020
You'll be listening to this at the beginning of Women's Appreciation Month and Self Harm Awareness Month, but this recording was on the conclusion of Black History Month. Join us for another episode of hard facts, compelling and controversial viewpoints, and recording way too late into the night. The gang get together while being under the influence to discuss a wide variety of topics such as Projeckt Melody; the 3D cam girl (9:44), Watching anime the correct way or in dubs (18:32), the recent controversial topic of what is better; backshots or missionary (29:53), another crazy story from the guys that you don't want to miss (43:58), and why the public only shames Hip Hop artist for lying in their songs or creating stories (1:25:10).

Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode:35 Don't Forget The Balls
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
Thursday Feb 27, 2020
The biggest take away from this episode is hoping the audience will begin the movement for a national "Don't Forget The Balls" day, immediately after Valentines Day on the 15th. Dive into this episode as the gang talks about Dwayne Wade's Daughter and how we would handle having a trans offspring (10:58), How our parenting styles would be if we had kids and why half of the MBP will NOT be partaking in having a child (36:59), Story time on the almost best girlfriend the group has ever had including running a train on her? (53:20), another addition of "What has Bernie Sanders done for Black People" that is NOT slandering Bernie but asking a question that needs to be answered (59:37), Female condoms and adding a girl to the Triple Scoop featuring a phone call from Amir (1:16:00), and bringing the conversation back to running a train, would you do it, and another story that involves running a train on a girl again? (1:25:33). You won't want to miss these stories and what Bernie has done for black people so grab a snack, stick around for a good time, and don't forget the balls.

Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode 34: Reschedule Black History Month This Year
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Thursday Feb 20, 2020
Man this month has been rough for Black History Month. But Black Pride last all year long 24/7, so the Moist Boys are keeping this thing going. After the intro, the guys get into another update on BHM 2020 (9:55) which lead into some convo on Oprah and Gayle, as well as what makes someone a coon (20:30), which ends off on speaking on racial tension and who is causing it in America (33:30). After as mature as it's going to get in this episode, the fellas tackle some tangents on cumming fast and lay down some hard facts on how much you have to make to be picky over dick. Take notes women (46:53). Immediately following that tangent is a little tangent on why the earth is flat. Take notes, round earthers (56:58). Then to end things off, solid cold hard proof how women or more toxic then men, featuring a famous little story from the bible (1:03:17).

Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode: 33 Sick Politics
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
The most mature episode of the MBP to date, as well as the shortest! Jam packed with politics and conversations about life, the MBP takes a smooth and grown approach for those waiting to hear what a group of 20 something year old's have to say about life in America. Starting off, the fellas, minus one fella and plus one lady, play with the idea of how another World War would affect the daily lives of Americans (0:00). After throwing around those ideas, the gang speaks on how ethnicity and cultures handle dealing with Mental Health Disorders and how it affects those who are Developmentally Disabled (21:36). Next, Sam gives us the run down on some Old but Gold political news and his thoughts as a Bernie Sanders supporter on Elizabeth Warren(37:32). Finally, the group gives their recommendations for the general audience (56:24). Thanks for listening!

Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Moist Boys Podcast Episode 32: Kim Kardashian vs Bernie Sanders
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Saturday Feb 15, 2020
Welcome to another episode of the MBP, where changing our name is constantly in discussion and content is in abundance. This week the guys get into some deep topics, so put your thinking cap on and get ready to deep dive. Starting off with a bit of foreplay, the fellas tackle Black History Month (10:10) and who we have lost to the whites. Speaking of whites, the boys dig into the white standard of beauty and if it applies to men (32:30). Shortly after, the MBP tackles an important question society should begin to ask itself; who has done more for the black community, Bernie Sanders or Kim Kardashian? The answer may shock you (41:58). After some cold hard facts, some quick topics that are touched on are Billie Ellish speaking on Hip Hop (1:02:03) and creating a White History Month (1:10:26), which oddly go hand and hand. Finally the gang end the episode off with talking some more about sex workers and OnlyFans accounts (1:22:10). Tune in for this episode and share with your friends, you won't wanna miss this!